Simplicity 1253 Crimson Red Top

Hello! Now is my afternoon off. I enjoy the quietness and peace alone at home for only a short time. I'd like to share another sewing project I did yesterday. A few weeks ago Hancocks Fabric was having Simplicity patterns sale and I asked my husband to pick up several including Simplicity 1253. Simplicity 1253 has length variations that I would like to try for myself. So I pick the "A" version in the red crimson synthetic fabric I got from Moods Fabrics. In the process of cutting out, I carefully lay out patterns on the fabric and learned that the fabric was tricky to cut, even with the rotatory cutter. Surprisingly it was easy to iron and sew. The instruction was easy to understand and follow that made my sewing speedy. I decided to try it on before adding sleeves. As a result, I struggled to put it on and it was snuggled tightly that I could barely move. What did I do wrong???

Again, I looked at the Simplicity 1253 envelope back view for size & fabrics and patterns. I believed the fabric I pick may not be right and front & back patterns looked pretty narrow for the motherly figure. Can't point out what what I did I decided to alter the patterns by increasing a few inches to sides and armholes. Hopefully my altered patterns will give the better result in my future project with different fabric.

What did I do with the red crimson blouse? I looked at Jabella and thought "Why not give it to Jabella? Let's make this top sleeveless." TA-DA! It looked so much better and gorgeous on her!

Would I recommend this pattern? Not enthusiastic yes. But for my daughter, yes. It's a go if you can alter.

Jabella modeled in her brand new tunic.

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