DIY Boho Bloom Dress


The temperature is soaring high to the high 80s that gave me a good excuse for wearing my new Boho dress that I made a few weeks ago. That's really my first time to finally wear it outside with my bare legs. What I really love this dress is that it's light, airy, flowy, and most importantly, PRETTY with the Boho vibe. This dress isn't the only one I wanted to show off, Jabella, my gorgeous girl wore the high-low dress that is also made by me. Jabella already loved her dress by the first time she laid her eyes on before trying it on. Other than the fitting, she even danced and turned around without tripping over that passed my approval of this dress. That's the dress she'll be wearing for an upcoming wedding. You'll view her pictures in my next post soon.

The pattern I used for my dress is Butterick 6209. Before I made the dress, I looked for review on this pattern. Unfortunately, there isn't one I could find. I couldn't pass it up so took the risk of making it without trying muslin. Honestly, I don't bother testing with muslin due to the lack of my patience! Both of two fabrics are rayon challis that is close enough to crepe as the pattern suggested and that worked well. I've omitted the sleeve bands as it's the only change I've made. The directions and illustrations are clear and easy to follow. Front of my dress hem seems higher above my knees on my 5'8" figure compared to the dress falls right above the model's knees. It's not that I complain - it's something I noticed a little difference between them. The bust area of the dress is a bit tight but comfortable to wear. I had no problem putting in on and taking it off. In my opinion, anyone with big bust want to make this dress might want to alter and work around the fitting.

Would I make it again? Maybe. I'm already satisfied with my dress!  Do I recommend this pattern? High Yes! I would love to see someone else make this dress.

Have a lovely day!

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